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PizzaMore BreadCrumb

BeckyBaker730's picture

Homemade pizza is a major comfort food for my husband and me, and we really need it today. The holidays are wonderful and all, but sometimes they come with a little too much family strife. The family politics this year are pretty bad, and we're both getting down about it. So I decided a little dough-kneading and cheesy wonderfulness was in order. My pizza dough is rising right now. I started making my own crust several months ago, after I finally got sick of the cardboardy taste of those prepackaged "just-add-water" mixes. My basic recipe is from AllRecipes.Com, but I tweaked it a lot over the number of times I've made it, so it's turned out better each time. It's very similar to the recipe in the "Pizza Primer" on this site, although from looking at that recipe it looks like mine makes half as much dough. As it is, mine makes 2 large pizzas with thicker, chewy crusts, or 4 small thin and crispy pizzas. I do wish I had a peel and a stone to cook it with, though. I just stretch the dough to fit my cookie sheets, so sometimes the bottom of the crust cookes a smidge unevenly.

I think tomorrow I will try the bagel recipe from this site...I LOVE bagels, but always thought they would be ridiculously hard to make (frankly, it was the boiling that always scared me a little). After reading through the Bagel recipe, I think I could probably make a decent batch tomorrow. My husband, a fan of "everything" bagels, would flip out if I figured out how to make a decent bagel from scratch. They are so expensive in the stores around here! To me, there are few things quite as wonderful as a toasty bagel with a little cream cheese and a cup of coffee in the morning. Or any time of day, really.

Anyone have an idea how long homemade bagels will stay fresh? I thought it would be nice to send my mom some homemade bagels for Christmas. Suggestions for wrapping/packaging them? I wanted to bake her something homemade as a gift this year, but she really watches her eating and avoids sugary things, so I didn't really want to make her cookies, fruitcake, or banana bread. Anyone ever tried mailing homemade bagels?

timtune's picture

With my exams over, i just had to test the BBA's pizza recipe method.
I made Pizza Magherita but with Romano and Mimolette cheese . I guess mimolette isn't a good melter, as u can see the lil orange bits.

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Also, dough hydration was way too high to toss. Just had to fold it and press it down on the pan.

Floydm's picture

Grilled Pizza

May 27, 2005 - 9:41am -- Floydm

It is Memorial Day weekend in the US, which is the official kick off of barbeque season. And that means it is time to pull out the barbecue to make grilled pizza!

"Grilled pizza?!?," you say. "Are you out of your mind?!?"

No, actually, grilled pizza is wonderful and great fun to prepare. And, let me tell you, the looks your friends and loved ones give you the first time you walk out to the barbecue with a large gob of dough in your hand is priceless.

Click "Read More" for the low down.

wyllow42's picture

Why can't I make a decent pizza crust?

March 18, 2005 - 10:29pm -- wyllow42

Pizza woes again...

It's supposed to be the easiest food in the world to make, right? Then why do I keep screwing it up?!? I can make things far more complex without a problem, but apparently the pizza fairy has skipped me.

The problem lies in the crust, of course.
I've tried different recipes, some failing more than others.
The recipe I've followed lately is
2/3 cup water
1 tbsp. Olive Oil
1 3/4 cups flour
1/2 tsp. sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/4 tsp. instant yeast

I mix it all together and then knead (adding more flour as necessary to keep it from being so sticky) for about 10 minutes. I let it rise for an hour or so (sometimes more), then knead again, let it rest for another half hour, then try to punch it down and stretch it out. What I usually end up with is crispy crust, when I'm looking for chewy crust.

Floydm's picture

Two Pizza Books

March 15, 2005 - 4:04pm -- Floydm

Which pizza book to buy? Two very different recent releases reviewed below.

American Pie - Peter Reinhart

American Pie is half travelogue, half cookbook. Peter begins his quest for the perfect pizza with a trip to Italy, where he samples focaccia alla genovese in Genoa, unyeasted focaccia col formaggio di Recco in Recco, pizza Vesuvio with black truffle sauce in Florence, seven foot long pizza al metro in Rome, and the traditional pizza Margherita in Naples.

Floydm's picture

Sourdough Pizza

March 6, 2005 - 7:49am -- Floydm

Tonight I tried using my starter to make a sourdough pizza:

It turned out very good. I was afraid it would be too sour, but the sourness was totally overpowered by the tomato and garlic sauce.

I used something in the ballpark of:

1 cup starter
2 cups bread flour
1 cup water
2 teaspoons salt

I had a bit of extra dough so I made breadsticks too, which are in the foreground.

Floydm's picture

A Pizza Primer

February 28, 2005 - 8:34pm -- Floydm

If you've ever made French bread at home, you've made pizza dough. Traditional, DOC (Denominazione de Origine Controllata) designated pizza dough from Italy contains nothing but flour, salt, water, and yeast.

The dough at most neighborhood pizza joints contains a few more ingredients. Fats are added to make the dough more supple, and sugars are added to feed the yeast and give the bread a touch of sweetness.


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