The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

jo_en's blog

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1)  100% Whole Wheat Loaf (120 gr thermophilic sd starter)

Using this whole wheat loaf recipe, substitute 120 gr of thermophilic sd (TH-SD) starter in place of 90 gr flas. Adjust the amount of added water to get 80% hydration of the dough.

Pay particular attention to mixing and overall  instructions from Yippee's Simple 100% Whole Wheat with CLAS

Mix in Zojirushi for 10 min.

  • 455 gr  freshly ground hard ww flour*
  • 20 gr freshly ground ww malt*
  • 120 gr TH-SD starter (24g rye grains, 96g water)
  •  304 gr water (total flour = 500 gr; 80% hydr: 400 gr water)    Set aside 20 gr water to add with salt and yeast. Add water only until dough begins to break.

* Sift and regrind the coarse particles for 35 sec in a spice grinder. Add them back into the flour.

After 10 min., sprinkle in

  • 1/2 tsp dry instant yeast (SAF)
  • 8-9 gr salt (2%)

Mix for 20 min more.

See pictures and descriptions for the following stages of the dough handling.

  1. Let rise at 29-30C for 1h 45min - 2h. Do not over ferment. Use poke test.
  2. Shape dough and let it rise at 31C for about 45 min in loaf pan (in a plastic bag). Do not overferment. Use poke test.
  3. Bake in Zojirushi.  Program:  10 min Preheat followed by 70 min Bake.  Check dough temp at around 48-55 min. Range: 202-207F.








2) rusbrot's Šventinė duona (basic procedure)




7 STEPS:  | 1 MASH (4h)  |  2 TH-SD FERMENT (20h)  |  3 LIQUID YEAST (3h)  |

          |  4 PRE-DOUGH (75 min)  |  5 DOUGH (45 min)  | 

          |  6 SHAPE/FINAL PROOF (50 min) |     

          |  7 BAKE:  freestanding loaf-steam (10 min 240C/464F);

                         w'out steam (30 min 200C/392F)  |

          |  alternately: pan loaf -BAKE in Zojirushi |




FERMENT 63C for 3-4 h.

          Resulting MASH







TH-SD Ferment


Ferment 50 C for 20 h.          


In the remaining steps, the ferments are at 30C.

"Thermophilic LAB do not show activity at 30C, and acidity of the TH-SD is sufficient to prepare wheat-rye dough only with yeast." - (see 3:14 rusbrot)








  • STEP 2 TH-SD
  • 7 gr fresh yeast ( 2.33 gr DIY = 3/4 t)
  • 20 ml water

Ferment 30C - 3h.

Step 3 Ferment doubles.

"'liquid yeast' ... nice fruity flavor and swe[et]-sour taste"- (see 3:41 rusbrot)









  • STEP 3 liquid yeast
  • 220g wheat flour
  • 120 g white (light) rye flour

FERMENT 30C for 1h 15 min.

Step 4 dough is very sticky and it was difficult to incorporate the flour (used  Zojirushi mixer 15 min). 

Deviation from Recipe: Interruption in Schedule-Placed the sticky dough in 6C/43F garage overnight (8 hr).

RESULT: Pre-Dough (initially warm) showed 50% increase in volume after 8 hr, 43F.









  • 40 g sugar
  • 430 g wheat flour
  • 15-20 gr salt
  • 70 ml water

FERMENT 30C for 45 min

Dough Weight in recipe: 1645 g

With Hand Kneading (10 min)  and adding water: Dough weight = 1635 g.

Suggestions: Add sugar, salt and water first. Hand knead in a bowl. The dough is silky and supple.

Add flour and knead (on table) until smooth and no lumps.  The dough temp reaches 18C.

Place in proofer set at 31C. Wait until dough doubles (2h 15 min).

(Due to cold overnight rest, dough temps while in proofer remain low: 1 hr -19.8C; 2h - 21.5C; did not reach 30C).


 Dough after doubling (2h 15 min) (before shaping):





PRE-SHAPE rest 5 min

SHAPE and FINAL PROOF  for 45 min

2 Loaves shaped: 1 oval banneton; 1 loaf pan.

Check dough with poke test. (65 min)

Start oven preheating: 240C/464F.






1) Oven Bake for Oval Loaf: Turn loaf out of banneton; spray with water and poke holes. 

          240C/464F in covered pan-10min; 200C/392F with lid off - 30 min. (Lots of mishandling below!)


2) Zojirushi Bake for Loaf Pan: Program- 10 min Preheat, 42 min Bake (350-400F); used coating of 1/2 t each of  milk powder and milk; poked holes in dough top.  Used regular oven to get overall browning - 5 min.  




Well, I tried!  

Crumb needs improving but the flavor is outstanding- beautiful, rounded and nuanced!


Regular Oven







Zoji Loaf

Oven Loaf


100% Whole Grain Version (35% whole rye; 65% whole wheat berries)

TFL post



jo_en's picture

Recipe for 100% whole wheat lean loaf  (made in this 2000ml Pullman pan)

[For the same bread but using the thermophilic sourdough (TH-SD) see recipe here .]

Note the clas loaf weighs about 75 gr more the flas loaf.


Refer to and carefully follow the procedure in Yippee's recipe  Simple 100% Whole Wheat with CLAS using the Zojirushi Bread Machine with dual paddles.

Total Flour: 475 gr freshly ground flour

     455 gr hard red wheat berries

     20 gr wheat malt berries


1. Grind all berries into a fine flour and sift.

  • coarse particles are ground for 35 sec in a coffee/spice mill;
  • they are added back to the fresh flour


2 Add flour to Zoji kneading pan; then pour

     90 gr liquid flas and 290 gr water (room temp) over flour and knead 10 min.  

     [If using clas, pour the mixture of 120 gr clas with the added 334 gr water (both at room temp) over the 475 gr flour (455 gr ww and 20 gr wh malt) in the Zoji mixing pan.]


3.  After 10 min, sprinkle

     8-9 gr salt and 1/2 tsp SAF dry yeast over the dough.


4 Knead for 20 min more.  Check dough development pictures in Simple 100% Whole Wheat with CLAS.

The warm temp of freshly milled flour and the extended kneading above should bring the dough temp to around 28C.  If it is slightly less than 28C after the 30 min  kneading, then the dough will be warmed during the rise through a temp controlled heat source. 




5 Let Dough Rise at 29C for 1h 40 min - 2 h. Use poke test to check dough (almost doubled).


3 Ways for Controlling Temp:

  1. Salton yogurt tub with a temp controller set at 29.5C
  2. Let dough remain in the Zojirushi (Setting-off; lid closed.) for the rise at 28-30C. You may need to monitor this. (Do not use Preheat setting-temp may fluctuate too high.) 
  3. Brod and Taylor proofer set at 29-31C.


Note the nice bubbles formed by the end of rise:




6.  Shape the dough and place in your own pullman loaf pan, lined with parchment paper.

      Place entire pan in a plastic bag.

     Proof at 31C for 45-60 min.

      Check with poke test.



7 Paint the surface of loaf with mixture of

     1/2 t dry powdered milk and 1/2 t milk

     This will help moisten the loaf for oven spring and brown the loaf.

     Slash the top lightly (to prevent a hollow top during bake).



8 Bake in the Zojirushi bread machine. In place of the Zoji pan, prop your own pan on a small inserted rack.

     Zojirushi Bread Machine is programmed for 10 min Preheat followed by 70 min Bake.

     Test for internal temp after 45-50 min. The final temp on the loaf below was 206F after 50 min (you may prefer 202F).  Cool 6-12 hours.





 Quick Reference Recipe Card






How to Sift without Flying Flour!! (the mesh is 20 holes/inch)



jo_en's picture

Clas, flas and TH-SD are types of sourdough (Type II) used with small amounts of dry instant yeast (DIY) to make bread (often in 4-5 hours).

Refer to the detailed instructions by rusbrot for

  • clas here (0:42-6:00);
  • flas, rusbot's  MALT KMKZ, here;
  • TH-SD hereTH-SD stands for thermophilic sourdough.  



To make clas/flas, just mix the ingredients below and place in a jar.

     Obtain malt grain(rye or wheat) from a hobby brewing supplies store.

Both clas and flas can be maintained in a water bath in a crockpot with a temperature controller.

Try to match the level of the water bath with the level of the jar contents (clas or flas).

Note that rusbrot emphasizes the use of plastic film on the surface of clas to inhibit mold growth. 

This is not needed for flas since the liquidy contents of the jar may be shaken up a couple of times a day. 



(Note that a water bath might be maintained in a proofer also. ) 

Using clas/flas

Strain out the grain sediments in flas mixture; flas (for use in bread dough) is the liquid portion that is left.

Both clas and flas can be used immediately. 

Refrigerate clas for 1-2 days and use as if fresh; flas can refrigerated for a week or more.


FREEZE portions of clas(120g)/flas(90 gr) for later use.  You will have sourdough at your fingertips!!


(See below for THERMOS Method.)


Refresh rye CLAS  rus brot -

-No need to add vinegar or use a plastic film to cover surface of clas mixture.

General Proportion: (#gr rye in clas) : (new rye flour)  = 1:9

Recipe: Mix the following and ferment at 38-41C , 12 hrs.

29 g Clas (10 g rye, 19 gr water) - room temp

90 g whole rye flour (preferably freshly milled)

171 g(ml) water (45C)

Hydration: 190%   Yield: 290 g rye clas


********  Proportions for Refreshment in 6-8 hr: (#gr rye in clas) : (# gr new rye flour)  = 1:2    Recipe: 29 g Clas; 20 g whole rye flour; 38 g(ml) water;    Yield: 87 gr clas    




Wheat Clas  (24-36h)

RecipeMix the following and ferment at 38±2C, 24-36 hrs.

-Use plastic film on surface of wheat clas mixture during fermentation.  Ending pH-4.

25 g whole grain wheat malt flour  (buy malt grain from a brewing supplies store)

75 g whole grain wheat flour

10 g(ml) vinegar (5% acidity)

140 g(ml) water (45C)

Hydration: 150%   Yield: 250 g wheat clas


Refresh wheat CLAS  (12 hrs)

-No need to add vinegar or use a plastic film to cover surface of clas mixture.

General Proportion: (#gr wheat in clas) : (#gr new wheat flour)  = 1:7

RecipeMix the following and ferment at 38±2C, 12 hrs.

30 g wheat Clas (12 g wheat, 18 gr water) - room temp

84 g whole wheat flour (preferably freshly milled)

126 g(ml) water (45C)

Hydration: 150%   Yield: 240 g wheat clas



Thermophilic Sourdough Starter with fermented rye malt (solod)

Refer to ingredients and procedure by rusbrot. Makes 250 gr.

  • 40 g crushed unfermented rye malt
  • 10-15 gr fermented red malt (solod)
  • 200 ml water at 60C       400% hydr  (200:50)   | rye  | H2| H2| H2O | H2O |

Ferment: 24-30 hr; 50-53C (use a water bath); shake or stir mixture periodically.

 Result:  flavor like apple/plum



Recipes by rusbrot using thermophilic sd starter-




SERGEY's 4 Day Clas


The recipe for Sergey's clas is at foodgeek (see also his Live Journal article).

It is a 4-5 day process.

To refresh takes 24 hrs at 40C.

Mix 50 gr clas with 180 gr ground rye and 270 gr water at 42C.

Hold it in a water with a temperature controller at 40-42C.

(You can also use a proofer.)

It may take 48-60 hr to get the plum fragrance and the reddish tinge.

See the crumb for 100% lean whole wheat loaf here.





In the lean 100% whole wheat loaf baked in the Zojirushi in a 2000ml Pullman pan, the following amounts were used.

Range for rye flour from above sourdoughs:

   clas: 8% (above table)-12%;  for Predough-3%

   flas 18.9% (above)-28%

   TH-SD: 5% (above)




THERMOS METHOD for making a "modified clas"- the hydration is 300% (cp to 190% in rusbrot formulas).


  • Warm a thermos with 50C water for 15 min. Empty it.
  • Pour 290 ml of 45C water and 10 ml of vinegar into thermos.
  • Use a funnel to add rye flours (75g whole rye and 25 gr wh wheat malt, both freshly ground).
  • Close thermos and shake vigorously to mix flour and water-no lumps.
  • (Optional- Set thermos in an ice chest with a large jar of boiling water.)
  • Shake the thermos about every 8 hr.
  • Check for pH < 4 in 24 h.

Keep in mind that the hydration of this "clas" is 300%.     | rye  | H2| H2| H2O |

If a recipe of 500g total flour contains 10% rye flour from clas (50 gr), then 200 gr of "modified clas" is needed to supply 50 gr. rye;  the liquid supplied is 150 gr.  Adjust total hydration accordingly.


A refresh using the thermos would only require 12 hr. 



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