The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

pain_de_remesy's blog

pain_de_remesy's picture

A nutritious and delicious bread based on the writings of Christian Rémésy. In the same vein as respectus panis but Rémésy deserves a bread named after him given his outsized influence in the research area of bread nutrition. This bread is typically very dense (which is healthier because lower glycemic load. See:Parameters controlling the glycaemic response to breads.)

For the loaf shown, 800 grams flour, 60% strong white bread flour, with the remainder whole wheat flour. Spelt can also be incorporated as part of the whole wheat fraction, Einkorn as part of the white fraction. This combination of flours should approximate Type 80 flour. Seeds can be added to the flour and incorporated for the fermentation.

66% hydration

1-3% sourdough starter (start with 1% and experiment)

1% salt

Incorporate and do a very short hand mix and knead.

Ferment for at least 20 hours at between 15 and 20 C.

Shape and proof a bit if needed, then bake.

A few more details: In cooler temps I typically warm the water to about 40C and then add the starter to that, mix and swirl around, then let sit a bit. Then add salt to this mixture. The salt helps to regulate the fermentation. The flours should be mixed together then added to the wet mixture. Once incorporated, use a hand for the short knead.

It may be towards 20 or more hours before you see the dough double-ish in volume.


 update, a recent seeded loaf baked in a loaf pan:

With pumpkin seeds and dates:


 With rye flour (18%)

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