The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

SylviaH's blog

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I had two fairly large pre-frozen dough ball recipes from Neo-Neapolitan P.R. American Pie.  Pre-heated my oven and stone to was set to come on and be pre-heated automatic for one hour...dough balls were left out to when I returned home later that afternoon....everything would be ready for a fast pizza dinner...well under 30 min. dinner ready salad and all.  I opened a can of crushed San Marsano Tomatoes...Albertson's carries the brand...also had a package of combination shredded Italian cheeses, provolone, parmesan, asiago, fontina, romano and mozzarella...I know some itailians don't believe in mixing cheese with the sea food...some like it...we like it.. cheese on pasta, pizza, ect..with shrimp!  I had a few nice mushrooms so sliced those up..added my spices/herbs/ my crushed tomato..not a white pizza with the shrimp tonite!  I had about a dozen frozen fresh shrimp...Trader Joe's taste great and so handy out of the freezer...picked some fresh basil from my garden.  Floured my wooden paddle, laid my dough on it and poked it out into small circle...lifted it and stretched/slapped it back and forth over my hands...using only flour on one side/bottom...I do not add any more flour on my dough...till I had a faily large 12" or so circle...laid it down on the floured brushed wooden paddel....ladeled sauce, added cheese mixture, topped with chopped shrimp, mushrooms, one with a little sliced basil one without the fresh basil...Shook the paddle with little jerks to make sure everything was slidding....sat the paddle front tip down..holding the paddle low from the stone and gave a forward/backward little jerk till the tip of the pizza came in contact with the stone and gently slid the paddle back releasing the pizza nicely onto the stone!  Less than 8 minutes everything was done!  Lifted the pizza out with the paddle onto my paper grocery sack...keeps the crust crisp, I never put my pizza on a plate to slice..gets to soggy..poured a little EVVOil on top and sliced...  This crust is fairly denser to support the heavy toppings and brown nicely on the bottom...delicious flavor from the pre-fermented dough..with a chewy, crispy crust...Made two pizza's in less than 20 minutes.  Just Beginning to Brown.

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The bread has cooled enough to cut and Norm's Onion Rolls are everything everyone said they P.R.Italian really tastes very good to...I will be making them both again and again!

SylviaH's picture

Today I made my first attempt at Norm's onion rolls and I also made P.R. Italian loaf.  I have only baked a couple of loaves of bread in my woodfired oven and Im really still learning to start a fire "lol"..getting pretty good now!  I don't smoke up the whole neighborhood anymore!  I needed to let my oven heat up a little hotter and longer...since I wasn't doing pizza I was going for a shorter time frame.  I still have a lot to learn about my oven's heating...I used my hand for a temperature gauge since mine is broke!  I did a lot of multitasking today.  Next time I will do only one bread recipe.  It makes things a lot simpler and more successful for me.

The beginning.  Next time I will make a larger onion mixture...recipe just covered these very large rolls.

Done...I sat the rolls on two pans...bottoms turned out browned just right.

Two batches done...I had no idea these rolls were so large!

P.R. Italian Bread...this bread didn't get the attention it needed...rushing around making was supposed to be a batard!  I want my oven to be hotter next time so it bakes a little faster.  It was very dark out and I was using a flashlight during my baking..these photos are done with a was pitch black inside the oven..and I was trying to hold my flashlight!

P.R. French bread was poked in the side moving it around in the oven....I wasn't happy with the way it turned time darker crust.

I woodfired a meatloaf with garlic roasted potatoes, peas for dinner...just before putting my bread in.   

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Floyd's Cream Cheese Rolls were the final inspiration to try this recipe.  I made a few little changes to the cream cheese.  I added an egg yolk, sugar, vanilla and lemon juice.  Used my blender and blended it all until nice and smooth.  I made little packages filled with cream cheese with some baking sugar on top with half the dough recipe.  We have some real sweet tooths around here!!  But these are wonderful as they are not really overly sweet at all....very tastey...thank you Floyd for this wonderful recipe and also to the book...The Village Baker!

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Pizza quick and easy before the big T.Day!


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My first attempt at the baguette monge recipe posted by Jane...thank you Jane....I did add a little more water.  I should have proofed them a little longer I think.  My slashing needs improvement.  I slashed one with the little red tomato knife and the others with my razor...I went really fast with the razor on the last one and it does make it so glide so much easier.  Next time I would like to make them a little fatter and shorter.


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SylviaH's picture

 Lot's of big bubbles under the sauce.SylviaPizza Margarita: Lot's of big bubbles under the sauce.Sylvia Hey who say's a pizza has to be round!!  I used P.R. recipe for Neo-Neopolitan Pizza from his book "American Pie" and my own sauce recipe using my favorite canned crushed tomatoes for the base...Henry's Market's own brand.  Since I had one frozen crust and sauce left I cooked this pizza wood-fired oven makes fantastic pizza...but the ones indoors can be really fantastic tasting.  I'm not sure how to post all picture in on the same I apologize. SylviaPizza: Hey who say's a pizza has to be round!!  I used P.R. recipe for Neo-Neopolitan Pizza from his book "American Pie" and my own sauce recipe using my favorite canned crushed tomatoes for the base...Henry's Market's own brand.  Since I had one frozen crust and sauce left I cooked this pizza wood-fired oven makes fantastic pizza...but the ones indoors can be really fantastic tasting.  I'm not sure how to post all picture in on the same I apologize.  I'am just finding out how to post images in my Blog... Sylvia

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Does anyone know when this special baking day was started?  I have just read about it today on a recipe site. 



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