The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.


dmsnyder's picture

Last night, I refreshed a liquid levain with the intension of baking a batch of Pat's (proth5) baguettes today. I made a slightly higher hydration dough with Giusto's Baker's Choice flour and 10% KAF White Whole Wheat.

This morning, I mixed the dough, did the autolyse, stretched and folded, and put the dough in a bowl to bulk ferment. After the first folding, my wife and I dashed out to run a couple errands. As we drove, we discussed dinner and decided we felt like pizza.

Sooo ... Pat's baguettes turned into the best pizza crust I've yet made. It was so good! It stretched beautifully thin without tearing and baked up crisp with a chewy crumb. The bottom was cracker-thin and crisp. The slight sourdough tang in the very flavorful crust was lovely.

I finally mastered "more is not better" with the toppings: a very thin film of the sauce in Floyd's "Pizza Primer" with a little fresh mozzarella and quite a lot of mushrooms. A sprinkling of freshly grated parmesan. The photos were taken before I added some leaves from our basel plant.

I also made one pie without mushrooms. It was also yummy.

Pat's formula can be found here:


foolishpoolish's picture


marieJ's picture

Sourdough Pizza...a tried and true recipe..?

April 20, 2009 - 8:27pm -- marieJ

G'day!  I'm currently searching for a sourdough pizza base recipe.  I'd love to hear from those who have a tried and true recipe. I was just going to try one of my white sourdoughs and make a few adjustments. I'm also a newbie to the art and would love to hear of fellow afficionado's experiences.

Cheers! Marie.

flour-girl's picture

Chicago-style deep-dish

April 8, 2009 - 6:57am -- flour-girl

Hi --

I just posted a wonderful Chicago-style stuffed-crust pizza over on Flour Girl.

I know we talk a lot here about light, crispy thin-crust pizzas here, but there's something to be said for a chewy, buttery, dense Chicago-style pie now and then.

I stuffed last night's pizza with spinach and cheese.

What do you all like best in your deep-dish pie?

Happy baking!

Flour Girl

xaipete's picture

OK, so I know it sounds like an oxymoron, but it works! Baguette dough is one of my favorite pizza doughs because it is easy to handle, has just a hint of sweetness, and bakes up as a sturdy, crisp, and thin platform (no sagging) that works no matter whether the topping be light or heavy. I baked this in the oven on my new stone (I didn't want to risk repeating last Friday's BBQed-beyond-all-recognition pizza). I had planned to top it with some pesto and fresh basil, but the pesto had molded and the basil, shriveled, so I just went with sauce and fresh mozzarella.

Neapolitan style pizza


Erzsebet Gilbert's picture

A belated hello, a blog link with a few recipes, and fictional fanciful tales about bread!

April 2, 2009 - 9:01pm -- Erzsebet Gilbert

Hi, everybody!

Maybe this is a bit silly, since I've already exchanged messages with a few of your wonderful selves and posted my own question about how best to bake bread on a Coleman camp stove - and I received so many fantastic ideas and suggestions - but I hadn't really given an Official Introduction; essentially, I'm a writer and stumbling but devoted baker living in Hungary, and I've been so enthralled by the whole Fresh Loaf community.  

audra36274's picture

It has rained for 4 days now. We are all stir crazy, so we made pizza. The kids did their own toppings. This one was just pepperoni. As they say in the papers, " A good time was had by all" .


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