The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Recent Blog Entries

Benito's picture

I  wanted to try adding an egg to my country sourdough again.  I’ve seen other bakers on IG post their bakes and some of them achieve quite incredible rise and open crumb when adding an egg to their otherwise lean dough recipes.  Then again, these same bakers always post super open crumb anyways, so who knows if the addition of the egg adds to this or just adds to the rise.  When adding the egg one has to compensate for the water in the egg (74%) and reduce the water used to make the dough.

Overnight levain 

Ferment 75°F overnight


In the morning mix egg and 265 g water.  Add salt and all the stiff sweet levain.  Break levain into small pieces.

Add whole wheat and whole spelt flours.  Then finally add bread flour and mix until no dry flour remains. 

Fermentolyse for 20  mins.

Knead dough well until at least moderate gluten development, can use French folds or stand mixer.  Bassinage remaining 18 g of hold back water.

Do a bench letter fold.  Extract aliquot jar doughs one for rise and one for pH.

Every 30 mins thereafter do coil folds until the dough is strong and holds its shape well.  Since I used my Ankarsrum Assistent and built good gluten during mixing, I only needed 3 coil folds.

Rest for the remainder of bulk until an aliquot jar rise of 40% the shape the dough.  Follow the pH to ensure that the pH isn’t falling too much allowing gluten degradation.

Once shaped place in banneton.  Allow further bench proofing until rise of 90-100% before either baking or overnight cold retard.


Pre-heat oven to 500°F with cast iron skillet in the oven and set up for open steam baking.

30 mins prior to baking, pour 1 L of boiling water into metal loaf pan with Sylvia towel and place on baking steel on the lowest rack of the oven.

Once oven reaches 500ºF turn dough out of banneton, brush excess rice flour off, score and then brush with water.  Transfer to oven.  Pour 250 mL of boiling water into the cast iron skillet on a high shelf, high enough that the dough have fully bloom.  Drop temperature to 450ºF and bake with steam for 25 mins.  Then vent oven and remove all steaming gear and drop temperature to 425ºF.  Bake for another 25-30 mins rotating as needed.  


After 10 mins at 425°F I dropped it to 400°F since it was browning nicely already. Then final 9 mins down to 350°F 

My index of bakes

albacore's picture

A recent comment by Michael Lily regarding dough bulk volume increase got me thinking about a topic I have already given a lot of thought to - volume increase during bulk and it's effect on the final bread.

In that post Michael suggested a bulk volume increase of 20% to improve oven spring, which I would agree with, but I think there may be a downside in terms of flavour development.

I'm coming to the conclusion that low bulk volume increase, eg 20-40%, gives good oven spring, good ears, good loft, good open crumb, but maybe a lack of lactic flavour deveopment. Bulk volume increase of 60-100% gives good lactic flavour development, but poorer oven spring, poorer ears, lower loft and a more closed, regular crumb - "frog spawn crumb", as I have christened it.

This can be quite well tracked by measuring the pH of the final bread - mush up 6g crumb + 40g distilled H2O and take pH.

More musings may follow!



Kjknits's picture

It’s been a long, long time since I’ve been active on TFL, but I recently got a new starter and had to come look up my old English muffin recipe. I didn’t want to fool with starting my own starter this time, so I bought the one that King Arthur sells. It arrived Wednesday and I got to work feeding it. Yesterday it doubled in eight hours, so I decided to use the discard for these, since the recipe also uses baking soda and I figured there would be enough lift even from that. Not disappointed…they’re as fluffy and big and beautiful as they ever were! I’m excited to make bread with this new starter over the weekend. It should be fully ready by Sunday, I expect. 



CalBeachBaker's picture

Today's bake:  Benny's SD Hokkaido Milk Bread w/Walnut, Sesame and Poppy Seed & Whole Spelt  - Plant Based Version


Note: Increased  TDW to1665g  from 950g, Pan to 15.75x4x4 from 9x4x4, Water % to 20.4% from 15.4%

Substitutions: Aqua faba for egg, used flax-egg for egg wash.

Discussion: I have been watching Benny impress us with his various versions of this bread for some time now and was inspired to attempt this impressive bread. I decided to make plant based version by substituting aqua faba for egg and a flax-egg for the wash.

The original recipe is located here:

Here is Benny's video showing the shaping of the rolls:

This is a fun to make, and very tasty bread. An option that Benny mentions is that you can cold-retard the dough for an increase in tang. I opted to go for a 20 hour cold-retard an all I can say is wow does it ever have a tang.

I really like this bread. The crumb has a creamy quality, the spelt flour provides a touch of sweetness and the nuts and seeds provide a nice rustic taste with a crunchy texture. Overall this is a nice, soft, rich tasting bread that can be eaten alone or with a mild cheese or other mild topping.

Make again? - Yes, definitely.

Changes/Recommendations: Decrease the hydration level a little, I'd increased it to accommodate the fresh ground flour but I'd roll it back to the original % next time. I would also try to space the rolls more evenly next time, I think the erratic spacing caused uneven rise.



Flax-egg applied. Note the uneven spacing - the first rolls were at the bottom and the latter one up top got squeezed.




rgreenberg2000's picture

I have been remiss in not posting sooner about my little (VERY little), home-based pico-bakery, Nickel Cat Bread Company.  I made my first loaf of sourdough bread about 11 1/2 years ago, which was a success in very great part to all of the information I gleaned from this site as I was diving into the hobby.  On June 3rd of this year, I sold my first loaves of bread as a licensed cottage bakery.  I have purposely kept my production very small, providing loaves to friends and neighbors for porch pickup here in Redwood City, CA.  My typical weekly production is 8-10 loaves, with a high of 16 loaves when I had extra orders for folks over the July 4th holiday.  I will likely expand to 2 or 3 days a week since I'm seeing enough demand to support that level of production, and I'm still enjoying the heck out of the process.

I typically offer two types of bread per week from a list of five formulas that I have developed and tested:

Country Blend - 30% freshly milled whole wheat
Emerald Hills Blend - 70% freshly milled whole wheat
Stulsaft Cheddar & Herb - 10% whole wheat, sharp cheddar, thyme/rosemary
Oak Ridge Oats - 10% whole wheat, oat porridge
Summerhill Sesame - 20% whole wheat, 10% toasted sesame seeds

I could not possibly have gotten to this point without all of the information, interaction, and assistance I have received from countless posters on this site, so this blog entry is really a giant THANK YOU to @Floydm, and the entire TFL community.  I am humbled by all of your incredible generosity!  If anyone has any interest in any of the formulas for the list of loaves above, just let me know!

Here are a few photos of recent bakes in the "bakery"! :)


Thank you, TFL!


varda's picture

We would like to hire an intern to work at Bread Obsession in Lexington, MA for this fall.  This position would be ideal for someone who loves to bake bread and wants to try out commercial baking in a relatively small and high quality artisan shop.  This is a paid position.  Email if you have any questions and/or would like to apply.  Please include your resume, and explain your reasons for applying.


Bread Obsession, a woman-owned, independent, owner-operated artisan bread company, is looking for talented and creative individuals to help us produce delicious baguettes, ryes, sourdough, and pastries for our enthusiastic customer base.

Our bakers learn the entire bread baking process from preparing dough, maintaining sourdough starters, and shaping and baking loaves. We give ample training for cutting and shaping dough, measuring ingredients and combining with spiral mixers, scoring loaves, and loading them into our deck ovens. 


Job requirements include:

Design skills and artistic flair for shaping beautiful loaves

Energetic and hard-working

Available for early start times and Saturdays

Able to lift 50 pounds

Commercial kitchen experience a plus but not required

References required

CalBeachBaker's picture


Source:   Mastering Pizza - Marc Vetri

Note:   Makes 2, Pan Size = 14 BY 10 INCHES/35.56 BY 25.4 CM

Substitutions: None


Pans - I used this bake to do a run of my new Detroit Pizza Pans after performing the 5 seasoning bakes.  I have to say that these pans performed admirably, they heat quickly and evenly and the dough came out reasonably easy for the first bake in them. I'm looking forward to future bakes of the various types of deep dish pizzas and other types of focaccia.

Focaccia - This yeasted focaccia is a 50/50 mix of bread flour and 100% spelt flour and the spelt gives the crust and crumb a hint of sweetness. The crust was crunchy and crumb had a nice chew to it. The focaccia went nicely with a blue cheese and a goat cheese.

As a side note, I have been reading Marc Vetri's books for some time and was inspired by him to get into milling my own flours. I had emailed his restaurant for information and recommendations on home mills and they were kind enough to reply with mill recommendations.

Make again? - Yes, it was tasty.

Changes/Recommendations: Decrease the bake time, these pans are really quite efficient and I think this bake got away from me a little bit. Grind the dried rosemary less. Maybe increase size by 25% and the hydration 1% or 2%









Benito's picture

I want to maintain my skills in making baguettes.  Unlike Alan and Don who has really developed their skills for the long haul, I find unless I make them every few months my skills backslide.  I haven’t made baguettes with inclusions in a long long while so decided to add a handful of poppyseeds to the dough.

I have continued to use stiff levains as they ferment more slowly so I can better control the fermentation in the heat of the summer.  For the organic T55 flour that I have, I have settled on 75% hydration.  At this hydration, the dough has enough strength and extensibility to shape nicely.  One of the baguettes still turned out a bit longer than my tray that holds them shaped in the couche.  I had to release the dough on that one before flipping it out onto the transfer board and then do a bit of reshaping, I don’t think it was any worse for the wear.  

We had one baguette tonight shared as a ham and Swiss sandwich with Dijon mustard, Kewpie mayo and sliced dill pickles.  I also made a little tomato and roasted red pepper salad with sumach.

Added 43 g poppy seeds


In the morning, to your mixing bowl add 347 g water, 10 g salt and diastatic malt 5.2 g to dissolve.  Add levain to water and cut the levain into small pieces in the bowl.  Next add 475 g AP flour to combine.  Allow to saltolyse for 20 mins.  Slap and fold x 100 then add hold back water 21 g gradually working in until fully absorbed by massaging and then Rubaud kneading the dough, then slap and fold x 200.


Bulk Fermentation 82*F until aliquot jar shows 20% rise.

Do folds every 20 mins doing 3 folds

Could do cold retard at this point for  up to overnight. (Aliquot jar 20% rise)


Divide and pre-shape rest for 15 mins

Shape en couche with final proof until aliquot jar shows 60% rise then (optional) cold retard shaped baguettes en couche for at least 15 minutes for easier scoring.  I often do this for convenience as the oven is pre-heating.


Pre-heat oven 500*F after 30 mins add Silvia towel in pan with boiling water.

Transfer baguettes from couche to peel on parchment

Score each baguette and transfer to oven, bake on steel.

Bake with steam pouring 1 cup of boiling water to cast iron skillet dropping temperature to 480*F. 

The baguettes are baked with steam for 13 mins.  The steam equipment is removed venting the oven of steam.  Transfer the baguettes from the baking steel to next rack completing baking directly on a rack to minimize the browning and thickening of the bottom crust.  The oven is dropped to 450ºF but convection is turned on and the baguettes bake for 10 mins rotating them halfway.  The baguettes are rotated again if needed and baked for another 3 mins to achieve a rich colour crust.

My index of bakes.

CrustyJohn's picture

I haven't been logging loaves as much recently in part because I don't have easy internet access but also because I haven't been doing too much different.


  I found a handful of chanterelles the day before I wad planning to bake, so that became the inspiration for this one.  For whatever reason the ones I've found this year don't seem to have much flavor, but it's still fun to throw them in.  Olives are always a nice savory addition.

450g loaf

40% Maine Grains whole wheat (more recent milling batch than earlier in the year, quality seems a bit lower)

60% KAF special patent

85% hydration

50g starter

3 tsp salt

Handful sauteed chanterelles

Handful oil packed olives


Room temp. Throughout ~65-70°

-mix water, starter, and flour; sit 1 hr.

-pinch in salt and knead some

-stretch and fold every half hour over 3 hours

-continue bulk fermentation 8 hrs.


-retard 11 hrs.



I think this once was dancing on the edge of the hydration and bulk fermentation limits.  It felt loose and jiggly when turning it out to bake, and it spread a bit after being turned out onto the stone.  But it came through!  The crumb is really soft and airy, and the flavor is nice and rich!

Sims's picture

I’m trying to make Crystal bread please can you help me with a good recipe I can use with method and instructions 


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