The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

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audra36274's picture

mold inside on my starter jar, friend or foe?

I know it's cold in my kitchen and my new starter for the Jewish rye bread is just kinda sitting there. But today I noticed mold on the inside of my jar. I took out what I needed to feed and put it in a new container until someone could advise me to keep it or throw it out. Help?!

   I also was reading today on someones old entryabout keeping your new starter in a water bath so you could maintain a better temp. That would have solved my cold kitchen problem. I'll get to rigging up my water bath, so that will at least solve one problem.


maxamilliankolbe's picture

First attempt at new pizza dough recipe and first photo post




Hello, everybody! This is my first photo post (gee, I hope it shows up...) and also my first attempt at making a new pizza dough. I received Crust and Crumb by Peter Reinhart for Christmas (I was ecstatic!!) and this was my first bake. I made both of the doughs he included in the book for the same night, and both were by far the best pizza dough I've ever made! We especially love NJ (NY) style pizza so are looking for something that approximates it. These pictures are of the Pizza I recipe. The Pizza II recipe I didn't get a picture of, well, frankly, because it was gone by the time I got around to taking pictures!! Pizza II was closer to NJ style (we think), which is why it was gone so quickly, but the Pizza I crust was noticeably more tender. Both began with a poolish, however Pizza I, a much more wet dough much like ciabatta, was allowed to rise for 3 hours before retarding overnight in the fridge. Pizza II was much more firm and was allowed to ferment for 1 hour, divided, and ferment (I'm guessing that's what you'd call it) again for another hour before rolling out and baking. Pizza II was by far the simpler of the two. I guess I can't complain if that's the one my husband likes the best! The crust in the pictures is very tender and light with some nice holes in the crust around the edges. It ended up quite thin everywhere else, which was wonderful. Unfortunately we aren't big outer crust fans -- why eat just a bready outer crust when it, too, can have sauce and cheese on it?? Just our philosophy. Oh, and no, we do not eat next to the Christmas tree. It just looks nice. And I love Christmas! I'd be glad if anyone has any ideas on other crust recipes that would be similar to what you can get at a pizzeria in NJ or NY... man, they just have the best pizza. I do have a tip, though... Don't drool on the computer looking at the pictures. It's not good for the keys. :)

naschol's picture

New England Hot Dog Bun Pan

On various trips to visit my sister in Boston, we have had hot dogs on buns that are different than the ones we see in Colorado. The New England hog dog bun is baked in a pan, very close together, so the sides have no crust on them. King Arthur Flour sells a pan specifically for this, which is 15 1/2" x 6 1/2" and costs $39.95. That price seems excessive to me, so I am wondering if these could be made in a generic pan and if so, how?


I was thinking of just making a regular hot dog bun shape, brushing with oil, and placing tightly together in a cake pan. That way, they would be forced to rise upward, instead of outward. The problem is the ends... Would I have to put some kind of barrier in to prevent them from spreading too much? If so, what?


Any suggestions you could give would be greatly valued.





audra36274's picture

Scale Alert

Last night I came into my kitchen to discover my 2 year old sitting on the counter, had emptied my new bag of KA rye flour (that I drove an hour to get ), and was doing what he thought was making bread. He was sitting there so cute -hands flat out mashing the flour pile, saying "mash, turn, mash, turn" which is what I let him do with his little piece of dough I save for him. Well, the 'cute' was wearing off and I pick him up, pull off the clothes to prevent further flour damage to my kitchen, and start to clean up the mess. Then I find it..... he had took the batteries out of my Escali digital scale I got from KA last year, left off the back cover, turned it upside down, and it was underneath the mountain of flour. I flipped out, because you could see flour even on the screen. I dusted it with a can of air, put the batteries back in, and it worked just as before. It is still correct, if you were wondering, because I had my starter sitting there I had just fed and reweighed. It may not be the best scale there is, but I would buy another one in a minute. I hope this helps anyone thinking of buying a new scale.

audra36274's picture

A friend ask me to please fix him a loaf of Jewish Rye. I need more info???

Sounded simple enough. I bake about three times a week. can't be too hard. I went to my bookshelf and pulled out my favorites, and realized ....I am lost.Is it a special rye? Is it dark or light? I have had marble. I live in the southern US, and they are no bakeries here within 100 miles of my house. So we bake! Mr. Joe used to live in N.Y. and has been transplanted here into what he says is a bread hell for a yankee boy! When he found out I bake he has become a regular customer. I bake for the love of it and am way out of my league on the rye bread issue. I looked in the the BBA, but that really didn't answer my question. Is there any one that might offer a suggestion? Mr Joe is a sweet fellow that is a long way from home. I can understand how he is starved for "his home comfort food" and who doesn't want a friend who needs more bread? As if we need another reason to get flour on our counter ( and our tummy!) My husband suggested I get another book, but this website is the most informed bunch in the world as far as I am concerned and if you guys don't know, then no one does! Every one here is so nice and helpful. You don't try to make anyone feel dumb for asking questions. Thanks you all. It is a pleasure to catch up here with my reading every day while I drink my morning coffee. Have a great weekend everyone!


bakn4joy's picture

BBA Cornbread!!!

Oh my Gosh!!  I just made the BBA Cornbread and it was awsome.  You have to try it.  It was really easy, but plan ahead when you want to have the cornbread, because you have to soak the coarse cornmeal overnight.  We made a batch of chilli and cornbread for the cold evenings we have had and the cornbread disappered before we sat down to eat the chilli!!  I will make another and take some pics!  A++ on this one.


lisah's picture

Here's a great Boule Recipe with Technique that will Produce a Very Nice Home Loaf

To start, I swear by my equipment and cannot bake a good artisan loaf without these.  They are well worth the investment.  1) La Cloche (Can buy through King Arthur Flour) 2) High Gluten Flour (A good source is Honeyvillie Flour - Artisan Flour - they mail order and it is very inexpensive in a 50 pound bag).  3) Dough rising bucket - mine's from King Arthur) 4) a really good starter that has been maintained (I bought mine originally from King Arthur - but I also have a home grown version that works just as well). 4) My water is from my well, so with that being an important variable, I would suggest to buy water if you can to keep out the chlorine. 5) a willow banneton.  Mine is about 8.5 inches across. 6) I use a Kitchen Aid stand mixer 7) plastic dough scraper 8) electric scale. (Note:  King Arthur has some fabulous DVD's out now.  I bought all of them and they are terrific).


Bring starter (about 1 cup) to room temperature.  Add 1/2cup flour and 1/2 cup water. Stir and let sit for at least 4 hours and about up to 8.  You can repeat this process to adjust the acidity of the starter to your taste. Return 1 cup of unused starter to the covered crock and place in the refrigerator (feed at least weekly by repeating the above steps and removing 1 cup of the starter before each feeding - leaving you with 1 cup starter to place in the refrigerator to rest)

A good loaf in my view requires I weigh everything, versus using measuring cups.  I truly believe this and after 25 years of baking bread, I don't like to do it any other way.

Place bowl on electric scale and set it to zero.  Add 15oz of artisan high gluten flour (not bagel flour).  Add 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp dry yeast, 6 oz (1 cup) of the starter above.  To this add about 6 oz of cool water.  Set to 1st setting and run until cleanup (dough pulled away from the side of the bowl).  Turn to #2 setting and run for about 10 minutes.  The goal is to create a very supple windowpane when you take a ball of dough and pull it and stretch it.  The pane should be very thin and not break.  With practice, you will come to learn what this should feel like.  This means the gluten in the flour is fully developed and will produce the best loaf possible.

When the dough is sufficiently kneaded as described above remove it from the mixer and knead it a bit by hand and then form it into a ball, sealing the bottom by rubbing it across an unfloured counter.  The dough should be smooth, elastic, not very sticky.  Note, I used no flour once I took the dough out of the bowl.  If you've done this right, you won't need any.

Next rub some olive oil in your plastic rising container.  Put the ball in upside down and then turn it over.  Cover the tub and place in the refrigerator until the next day.  This is so important.  Dough develops flavor through a cool slow rise.  I cannot bake a good boule without this step.  (Note:  If you let the dough remain in the refrigerator for 2-4 days, it will make a fabulous pizza crust).

The next day, take the tub out and allow it to reach room temperature.  Set your oven to 500 degrees.  I keep a large stone in the bottom shelf at all times. Divide the dough in half and shape each into a round ball.  Place one inside a floured banneton (round willow basket without a lining).  I cover mine with a clean new shower cap.  Place the other in your La Cloche and cover it to rise on the counter.  Keep the Banneton in a cool place to rise, as both loaves will be baked in the La Cloche and the first loaf will be ready before the second can go in the oven.

This next step is key.  You want to catch your dough on "the rise" when you score it and then bake it.  This is why so many people complain their loaves fell when they scored them.  They waited too long.  How long should you wait?  This is something you learn with time.  It is before the dough doubles.  Maybe about 40 minutes or so.  It depends on the temperature of your kitchen and how much water is in the dough.  The key here is not to let it rise fully.  You want it to "pop" in the oven.  The heat creates an explosion and if you catch the dough on the rise it makes that explosion huge, versus uneventful (hense a fallen loaf).

I sprinkle my boule with flour and then slash it three times.  The center slash is straight and the two outside slashes at an angle to create a V with the straight slash in the middle.  On the banneton risen loaf, I make a cross.  It blooms so beautifully like this.

For the first loaf, once floured and slashed - place the covered la cloche with your nearly risen loaf on the middle rack of your oven.  Reduce the temperature to 425.  Bake it covered for 35 minutes.  Remove the La Cloche cover and let it continue to bake until sufficiently brown.  Remove from the oven and place the loaf on a rack to cool.

Next, immediately turn the banneton loaf over onto the la cloche.  Slash it in your desired pattern and then cover it.  Note, the la cloche will be very hot.  Cover it and repeat the baking process as above.

Make sure you let your loaves cool fully before slicing.

This recipe makes 2 georgeous loaves of artisan bread that are crusty on the outside, soft on the inside, with some irregular holes and a very nice slightly tangy flavor.

For variation, you can add a few tablespoons of whole wheat flour, or add chopped fresh rosemary or chopped pitted calamata olives, or other addition you enjoy.  You can also brush the top with egg white wash and sprikle with sesame seeds.

 I bake this bread every day, so trust that even though it sounds complicated, it is really a piece of cake.....

Hope this is helpful to you.

Lisa H.


Anonymous baker's picture
Anonymous baker (not verified)

pre-ferment hydration question

Hi all,

I have a question about the hydration of a pre-ferment. I realize that changing the hydration makes it either a biga or a poolish, but I don't care so much about the name as I do the result! I just made Hamelman's Rustic Bread with a few changes, and the family loved it. I doubled the ww (there's not that much to begin with), and used it in the pre-ferment instead of the final dough. It worked wonderfully, but I'd like to go a little further and up the ww % even further, maybe to 50% eventually.

That much I'm OK with figuring out. The problem I have with the recipe is that the pre-ferment is really quite stiff, and since I don't have a mixer, working it into the dough is pretty hard. Still OK with that though; the problem is that I'd like to be able to make larger batches, say 6 loaves, so that I can bring it to the local food pantry. I don't think I can manhandle that much stiff pre-ferment into the final dough. If I keep all the final percentages the same, is there any reason I can't use more of the water in the pre-ferment?



GrapevineTXoldaccount's picture

Do I have to discard excess starter?

I've been plagued by this question since beginning my foray into sourdough four months ago.  Is it really necessary to toss excess starter or can I use it in my bread making?  Example, I've refreshed my starter from the fridge, bread baking formula/recipe calls for one half cup, I have another cup that is not needed.  I place it in the fridge and the next time I go to make bread I start my process over again, refreshing the starter and allowing it to become quite active.  I now have about two cups of starter.  I take out the half cup called for in the recipe, but I'm left with an ever increasing amount of active starter.  So....I've been dumping more starter into a recipe than it calls for and simply adjusting my flour/water ratios.  My bread is not consistent, but its not unedible.  Sometimes I even get a wonderful surprise. 

 Giving starter to friends is not an answer.  I'm one of the few bakers in my circle of friends.  I do keep starter in the freezer and always a secondary container in the fridge. 

 Does anyone else toss their 'extra' into their breadmaking?

Linda Hensens's picture
Linda Hensens

Does anyone have a great Artisan-type white sandwich bread recipe Please?

Good afternoon!

I am trying to find a really good, dense, Artisan-type white sandwich bread recipe to make for my family.

My husband is from the Netherlands, and he does not care for how soft the average white bread is that we get here in our grocery stores.  Compared to the white bread that his mom gets from their open air markets, there is a HUGE difference.

The European white bread is very healthy, dense, and it tastes divine!  It does not fall apart when condiments are spread on it, (they use butter as their mayonnaise), and when you toast the bread it tastes so great!  It has a nice crunchy crust, and a good chewy texture on the inside.

Since my husband loves this type of bread, I set out to learn how to make it at home with my KA 600.  I have gotten the French Baguette down to a science, even with the slashing when it goes in the oven, which took me forever and a day not to deflate the loaf when I tried the slashing..and now they come out looking really nice and tasting yummy!

Here at our local Sam's Club, there is a bread made by a company called Milton's Original Healthy Grain Bread.  It comes in loaves of 2, and it is very reasonably priced at Sam's.  However, Sam's is going to discontinue it, and that has started me on this quest to find a recipe that I can make at home.  Milton's has the texture that I am seeking.  They make 2 different types of white bread, but on their website 1 loaf of either is $12!!  I am not paying $12 for 1 loaf of bread. 

Please help me if you can!  There has to be a good dense recipe somewhere!  Thanks so much!

Christmas wreath
