The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

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Benito's picture

We are seeing some friends in our building tonight for dinner and I offered to bring some rolls. We are still here in Florida and without my starter so these were made with IDY. I wanted to bring something that wasn’t just a milk bread so decided to add mashed steamed sweet potato to the dough. I couldn’t find purple sweet potatoes anywhere near me so went with the regular orange ones. I didn’t measure the amount of sweet potato that I added. I added it after the dough was well developed after adding the butter/flour paste. I just added the sweet potato gradually until I liked the colour of the dough.

Also, note that I made these without the assistance of a stand mixer, these were fully hand mixed, a lot of slap and folds to start the day.


Pan 7.5 x 11.5” = 4 rolls by 6 rolls



25g  - King Arthur AP flour

125g -  milk 

The classic ratio in tangzhong 1:5

Final dough

371 g KA AP flour and 29 g to mix blend with butter when mixing by hand

50 g granulated sugar

150 g 1% milk

1 egg

29g room temperature butter,  mix with 29 g of flour

6.06 g  instant yeast

7.74 g salt

All of the tangzhong mixture


egg wash: 1 yolk and 1 tbsp milk, beaten…


Cook Tangzhong mixing flour and milk constantly until it becomes a thick roux.  Let cool before adding to final dough.  Or add to cold milk and egg to cool it down.


Blend room temperature butter and flour together and set aside to incorporate after the dough is well developed.


Whisk together dry ingredients flour salt and yeast. 


To mix by hand, add the salt and yeast to the wet ingredients (milk, tangzhong and egg) to dissolve.  Next add the flour and mix with a silicone spatula until no dry flour remains.  Rest 10 mins.  Next perform French folds until the dough is well developed.  Smear the blended butter/flour onto the dough and then fold to incorporate and then perform further French folds until well developed.  Gradually add the mashed sweet potato and knead to incorporate it well into the dough.  Form into a tight ball and place in a bowl covered with plastic or a damp cloth and place in a warm place until doubled (about 1hr 30 mins).  Alternatively, you could mix the sweet potato and butter and then add the mixture to the developed dough until well incorporated.


Butter a large baking pan.  Punch the dough down and then divide into 24 equal portions.  Form each into tight boules.  Place in the buttered baking pan seem side down.  Cover them and allow them to fully proof about 1 hour - 1 hr and 20-30 mins, they should pass the poke test.


After about 30 mins of proofing time, whisk your remaining egg and milk and then brush the small boules.


About 30 mins prior to end of final proof preheat the oven to 350°F. 

Immediately prior to baking brush the dough again with the egg and milk mixture.


Bake the rolls uncovered for 30-35 minutes or until the internal temperature is at least 190F. Cover if your rolls get brown early in the baking process.


Remove the bread from the oven but not the pans, brush the tops with butter while hot, and then let cool for 10 minutes before pulling the bread from the pans. You may need to slide a butter knife down the sides of the pan to loosen the bread, but I have found parchment paper to be unnecessary.  Sprinkle with fleur de sel if you wish after brushing with butter. 

My index of bakes.

albacore's picture

This is a follow up to my post  in the "Besuschio - The Definitive Panettone" thread, with a bit more detail.


I decided to make a fresh starter for my LM - probably not necessary, but never mind! I followed the instructions at 

using a homegrown organic apple, flour mix of Marriages organic BF and some Italian Manitoba flour (+ a little malt) + spring water.

I left it at 28C and it had doubled in 24hrs, so I followed the next few steps in Dietmar's instructions and after a day or two developed a routine of 50 starter/50 Marriages Manitoba/20 spring water at 28C. This fits nicely in a 300ml cream pot (dry storage), covered with a shower cap. I roll out and roll up the dough about 5 times, shape into a ball and put into a clean pot.

I do this at about 9am and 9pm every day, now with a bit less flour to reduce waste: 40/40/16. pH ends up pretty consistently at 4.1.

After 2 weeks the LM seemed pretty active, so I did the 3 refreshments at m9, e1 and e5. Final pH was a bit high at 4.5, but Dietmar gives a range of 4.3-4.4, so I didn't worry too much.



So next I made the primo in the Kenwood Major with the spiral dough hook. I would have liked to use the IM5, but there wasn't enough dough.


The recipe I followed said to mix the LM with the flour (Marriages Manitoba again) and water and develop gluten. Then add the sugar, then butter, then the yolk. The trouble with this method is that the initial dough was very stiff, so kneading generates a lot of heat and also it is extremely difficult to then incorporate the butter/yolk.

Much better I think to mix LM + flour + water + enough yolk to give a kneadable consistency, knead, then add the rest of the yolk bit by bit and then all the butter, piece by piece.

All in pH was 5.59. Temp was a bit low because of our cold kitchen - about 22C. Even if you attemperate everything, the dough loses heat in the mixer.



I made the secondo the next morning at m11.20 - it was well risen and had a pH of 5.15. Bulk was slow and I eventually baked at e10. I'd put 290g in 300g cases, which I think should have 360g dough in them, so I think I was waiting for some extra rise that was never going to happen.



A couple of sites I like the look of:


That's it - till my next attempt!




trailrunner's picture

Nothing different except I frequently swap out my grains so as to get through my inventory. Milled  the grains right before using them they were  still warm. Mixed everything except salt autolyse 30 min. KA mixer 7 min speed 2  adding in the salt and some extra held back water. Cleaned the bowl as usual with a perfect ratio of dry/ wet ingredients. 

I am very pleased with the crumb and crust and amazing wheat flavor. Made great grilled cheese sandos. Don’t recall ever making 3 loaves as identical as these 3! 😊

335g Yecora Rojo berries Barton Spring 

335g T85

232 Generic WW berries

100g Danko Rye berries Barton Springs

250g mixed levains - one rye starter one YW starter

200g active Apple YW

350g water

23 g salt

Trinity- 40 g EACH EVOO, Honey and Buttermilk

450 degrees Graniteware roaster 20 min lid on 20 minutes lid off. 

happycat's picture


I was away from my Toronto place for 7 months, living alone, working on projects and losing 55 pounds. When I came back, I was ready to get back into baking!

Last weekend we made onion soup and I made baguettes to hold up the broiled gruyere cheese on top. We roasted then pressure-cooked beef neck to make the broth which left us with lots of tasty beef bits. The beef seemed like a great filling for a steamed bun. I remember eating bao at a Toronto place... they were delicious but horribly expensive. As usual, that inspired me to make my own.

Beef filling needed some pickled vegetables, so I pulled out my mandolin and ripple blade earlier this week and sliced up carrots, cucumbers, red onion, celery, red cabbage and pickled them in vinegar, garlic and spices for a few days. I managed to use the mandolin extensively without a single injury :)  My wife mixed some pickled ginger in mayo to provide a spread. She also seasoned the beef with black bean sauce and other stuff and I sneaked in some lime juice to bring it alive.

Today, I made the bao.


I used the steamed bao recipe from another TFL member. It worked perfectly. This is an enriched dough with milk, oil and sugar and it uses two rising agents: yeast and baking powder. Fun!


A lovely enriched dough, hand kneaded and proofed.

Divided into 20 pieces of 30g each. The dough was somewhat firm. Not tacky at all.

Rolled a little thinner than 1/4 inch. These were springy fellas so I rolled some a few times because they shrank back a bit. That's an iPad 2 on a stand. Makes a wonderful timer and recipe display with the text enlarged.

Here I've smeared half with canola oil to prevent sticking after they're folded, then used a chopstick to fold them. The chopstick isn't really needed.

Here's 20 of them after proofing inside a giant ziploc bag for about an hour. Each dough is on a piece of parchment paper.

Here they are in a steamer basket before steaming. I had two rice cookers for steamers and cranked through several batches. The waiting bao didn't overproof at all.

Here they are after 9 mins of steaming, Fluffy!

Will they open up? Yes! Yay!


Making these was very simple and cheap. We agreed that these were the best bao we'd ever had by far. At the bao place we"d been to, our 20 bao would probably run $180... with filling of course, My cost? A tiny fraction?

We enjoyed these way more than tacos or fajitas I've made in the past (scratch, not kits!). The bao is so soft and tasty. I suppose I should add a crumb / shred shot. Maybe tomorrow if I remember.

I froze the bao we didn't eat to have later. Portion control is the secret to getting and staying skinny. This cat is no longer fat!

Next Steps

I'd be tempted to mess around with malts and flour. For instance, adding some of my homemade rye malt for flavour, or using some cake flour to fluff them more. I'm also tempted to use the recipe to make a closed bun with stuffing inside. These were so tasty they are worth more experimentation.

EDIT: These reheat well out of the freezer with resteaming.





Jane Doe's picture
Jane Doe

Hello all. I'm a newbie home-baker. I crave the breads from back home that are not available in NA. So I am trying to create them here. I made these naan breads that are unique to Mumbai city and available in 2-3 bakeries primarily found in one particular Muslim neighborhood. The naans are available in 3-4 sizes (diameter). They are usually eaten with meat dishes having gravy as they soak up all the goodness.

Here's my handiwork:



Watch these naans sold at local bakeries in Mumbai here:

Hotbake's picture

Hokkaido milk bread base, traditional dark chocolate+ cocoa filling with a hint of cinnamon 

I think I'm done baking till Christmas!


Isand66's picture

Durum-Quanah (Whole Wheat) Grits Bread

   I recently purchased a new (old) ancient grain from Barton Springs Mill called Quanha.  You can get more information by pressing on the link if you are interested.  I milled this to a high extraction sifting and milling twice and added this to high extraction freshly milled Durum flour.

I’ve used grits in breads several times and always like the texture and flavor it adds.  I cooked the grits with water and added some butter and a little grated cheddar.  Make sure to let the grits cool down before adding it to the dough.

A double build was used for the levain but you could easily just do one build if you desire.

I was happy with the final outcome on this one.  The Quanha flour combined with the durum was very tasty and the crumb was moderately open.  I made some nice grilled bread brushed with some good EVO and topped with some Vermont aged cheddar.


Levain Directions Build 1

Mix all the levain ingredients for build one (including the seed starter) together for about 1 minute and cover with plastic wrap.  Let it sit at room temperature for around 6-7 hours or until the starter has almost doubled.  I used my proofer set at 76 degrees so it took around 5 hours for me.

Levain Directions Build 2

Add in the flour and water as indicated and mix until incorporated by hand.  Cover and let sit another 3-5 hours until doubled and you should see plenty of activity.

Either use in the main dough immediately or refrigerate for up to 1 day before using.

 Main Dough Procedure

Mix the flour and water together in your mixer or by hand until it just starts to come together, maybe about 1 minute.  Let it rest in your work bowl covered for 20-30 minutes.  After 30 minutes or so  add the salt, starter (cut into about 7-8 pieces),  olive oil, honey, grits, and mix on low for 5 minutes.   Note: If you are using the Ankarsrum mixer like I do, add your water to the bowl first then add in the flour and grits.  After your autolyse add in the starter, salt, honey  and olive oil and mix on low to medium low for 15-20 minutes.

Remove the dough from your bowl and place it in a lightly oiled bowl or work surface and do several stretch and folds.  Let it rest covered for 10-15 minutes and then do another stretch and fold.  Let it rest another 10-15 minutes and do one additional stretch and fold.  After a total of 1.5 hours place your covered bowl in the refrigerator and let it rest for 12 to 24 hours.

When you are ready to bake remove the bowl from the refrigerator and let it set out at room temperature still covered for 1.5 to 2 hours or if using a proofer set at 80 degrees for one hour.  Remove the dough and shape as desired and cover with a moist tea towel or plastic wrap Sprayed with cooking spray and let rise at room temperature for 1 1/2 – 2 hours.  (I use my proofer set at 80 F and it takes about 1 hour to 1.5 hours).

Around 45 minutes before ready to bake, pre-heat your oven to 500 degrees F. and prepare it for steam.  I have a heavy-duty baking pan on the bottom rack of my oven with 1 baking stone on above the pan and one on the top shelf.  I pour 1 cup of boiling water in the pan right after I place the dough in the oven.

After 1 minute lower the temperature to 450 degrees.  Bake for around 35 minutes or until the breads are nice and brown and have an internal temperature around 200-210 F. 

Take the bread(s) out of the oven when done and let them cool on a bakers rack for as long as you can resist. 

CalBeachBaker's picture

Today's bake - Orange & Vanilla Sourdough

This bread is a mix of fresh milled hard winter red wheat and white whole wheat flour and AP flour combined with some orange zest I had in the freezer and vanilla extract. I was going for a mild orange/creamy flavor profile that I think I've achieved.


Tasting Notes

Crumb - Sweet/Dairy with notes of milk, orange, and vanilla

Crust - Resinous with notes of french roast coffee beans and vanilla bean

Grain Character - moderate with a slight taste of cooked oatmeal

Recipe and Process are below for those that are interested.


Hotbake's picture

Happy almost Thanksgiving!

I'm in charge of bread this year, I had a lot of fun making this. 

The stub was made of a piece of cracker dough I saved the other day, it was supposed to be a stem with a tail, but it was too fragile it broke. Well I don't have any more cracker dough left so I'll stick with a stub!


And also an einkorn pan loaf for myself! Nothing fancy, the steam was created by the giant pot of soup I got going in my oven, turned out being pretty sufficient for the bloom, got a nice spring out of it. 


Tomorrow is Babka day!

What's on everybody's menu this year?

HeiHei29er's picture

Two fun bakes this weekend...  A Lithuanian Black Rye recipe that I found on IG, and my 40% Whole Grain (Emmer and Einkorn).  All the whole grain flours in both breads are fresh milled using berries from Janie's Mill.


Rye Sour
100g   Whole Rye flour
100g   Water
30g     Starter
1)   Combine ingredients and ferment at 76 deg F for 8-10 hours

20g    Fermented Red Rye Malt (Solod)
30g    Whole Rye Flour
10g    Caraway Seed
4g      Coriander Powder
48g    Molasses (Blackstrap)
130g  Water (boiling)
1)   Combine all ingredients in a bowl.  Add boiling water and stir until no dry ingredients present.
2)   Cover and cool on countertop for 1-2 hours

Final Dough
200g   Whole Rye Flour
150g   Whole Wheat Flour
170g   Water
10g     Salt
30g     Honey
1)   Combine flours and salt in a mixing bowl.  Whisk together and create a well.
2)   Combine water, honey, scald, and rye sour in flour well and mix to combine.
3)   Mix in flour salt blend until all flour is wet.
4)   Hand mix/knead for 20 minutes.  Dough is sticky.  Use wet hands to minimize stickiness.
5)   Place in oiled bowl and bulk ferment for 4 hours at 76 deg F
6)   Roughly shape dough and place in loaf pan.  Press dough evenly into pan with wetted spatula.  Smooth top.
7)   Final proof for 1-2 hours at 76 deg F.  Let dough roughly double in size until first few pin holes present in surface
8)   Preheat oven to 465 deg F.  Lightly mist dough surface.  Bake at 465 deg F for 40-50 minutes.

This bake went very smoothly until the very end.  I didn't quite oil my pan enough and the loaf stuck all the way around the very top edge.  It easily released when I ran a knife along it.  Made a "glossy" edge around the top perimeter, but it softened as the loaf matured overnight.  Really happy with how open the crumb is on this bread!

NOTE:  No beer was used in the recipe.  I just thought a Russian Imperial Stout was the perfect "celebratory" beverage for this bake.  :-) 


45g  Bread Flour
54g  Water
9g    Starter
1)   Combine all ingredients and ferment at 70 deg F for 12 hours

Blueberry Yeast Water Poolish
45g  Bread Flour
54g  Blueberry Yeast Water
1)   Combine ingredients and ferment at 76 deg F for 12 hours

Whole Grain Autolyse
90g   Whole Grain Emmer
90g   Whole Grain Einkorn
126g Water
1)   Combine ingredients and mix until all four is wet.  Cover and rest on counter for 60 minutes before final mix.

Final Dough
67.5g    All Purpose Flour
112.5g  Bread Flour
58.5g    Blueberry Yeast Water
9g         Salt
1)   Combine final dough ingredients except salt with the levain and poolish.  Mix until flours wetted.
2)   Fermentolyse 15 minutes
3)   Laminate the whole grain autolyse, final dough fermentolyse, and salt.  Thoroughly mix with pinch and squeeze.
4)   Rest 15 minutes
5)   4 sets of bowl kneading with 10 minute rests.  Bassinage an additional 2-3% water if needed.
6)   Bulk ferment at 76 deg F.  Folds at 45 minute intervals until dough is "puffy".  Roughly 3-3.5 hours.  Allow dough to bulk roughly 75%.
7)   Preshape and bench rest 30 minutes
8)   Final shape and proof at 76 deg F.  I proofed for 75 minutes and then refrigerated for 2.5 hours while we made and ate dinner.
9)   Preheat oven to 465 deg F and set for steaming.  Bake at 465 deg F (2 minutes); 400 deg F (18 minutes); vent oven; 440 deg F (20-25 minutes) until a hollow thump.

Really happy with how this loaf turned out.  Great oven spring and crumb for a 40% whole grain loaf with Emmer and Einkorn.



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